Continue to divide your attention between watching in front, checking your mirrors and looking over your shoulder to check your blind spot until you can merge safely with traffic. 始终合理分配注意力,观察前方路况,通过后视镜观察后方路况,以及查看盲点,直至安全并入高速度车流当。
In the course of exerting authorities, these institutions not only divide the work and cooperate, but also supervise and keep a check on each other, and thus constitute the main body of administration. 在行使职权过程中,路级机构之间既分工、合作,又互相监督、牵制,构成宋代路级机构关系的主体。
Methods to divide our hospital's lunger of recent years who have difficult and positive phlegm smear phthisic into two groups ( check group and cure group) and process random analysis. 方法:对我院近年来难治性肺结核、痰涂片阳性病人随机分为两组(对照组和治疗组)。
Basing on political cost and agency cost theory, we divide the cost SOEs paid into political cost and agency cost, we check the relation between political connection and double cost empirically, and discuss the difference in central SOEs and local SOEs. 从政治成本理论和代理理论出发,本文将国企付出的代价划分为政治成本和代理成本,实证检验了政治关联与两者之间的关系,并考察了中央企业和地方企业在双重成本上的差异。